Share your love for VSP
Help other organizations get more people involved in their community.
Share your code
Share your referral code with other churches, letting them know how much you love VSP.
Other organizations sign up
When another organization subscribes uses your referral program code, they save 10%.
You save money
For each organization that uses your referral program code, you'll receive a $25 credit!
Frequently asked questions
- What is my referral program code?
You can find your Referral Program Code in the "Subscription" pane on the bottom left when you open the program on your computer. You can also find your code by logging in to the Client Login area of the VSP website. You will see your Referral Program Code listed on the landing page after you log in.
- Is there a limit to the number of organizations I can refer?
Nope! Spread the word as far and wide as you would like.
- Do you provide tools to reach out to organizations that may benefit from VSP?
Don't forget to tap the power of your volunteers by sharing this 1-page VSP Overview and the Free Trial.