How to Engage and Recruit Volunteers this Summer

Does it seem like summers fly by? Do you struggle to use them to their fullest potential for your volunteer schedules and programs? Don't let these crucial months slip away. Commit to being intentional this summer. Approach the summer with clear goals to meet the volunteer needs of your nonprofit. Consider building on the following ideas to engage and recruit volunteers.
1. Schedule an event
Want to hold a fundraiser and recruit new volunteers at the same time? Use the summer months to plan events, such as a 5K, outdoor fair, or silent auction, to raise money and awareness. Gather contact information from participants so you can follow up and let them know how they can stay involved. June, July, and August are excellent months to connect with donors and future volunteers since you're not competing for their time and attention with common distractions, such as sports, homework, or holiday parties.
2. Provide training
Use the extra free time volunteers may have on their hands to provide engaging training opportunities. Ensure volunteers have the knowledge they need to succeed. Do volunteers at your organization work with children or the elderly? Make sure they're prepared by hosting CPR and First Aid certification training. Are you certain volunteers in your organization understand its mission and vision? Hold a morning meeting with coffee and donuts to talk about organizational policies and plans to ensure volunteers understand the heart of your nonprofit.
3. Organize meetups
Take advantage of the weather and plan some outdoor meetups! Give your volunteers some much-needed downtime to enjoy each other's company. Social events, like picnics and softball games, allow new volunteers to mingle with more experienced ones and learn more about the culture of the organization. You can use these opportunities to bring in individuals who are just beginning to consider volunteering so they can get to know staff members and volunteers in a fun and informal setting.
4. Plan one-off opportunities
Give volunteers a chance to jump out of their typical volunteer schedules by planning one-off volunteer opportunities. Could your organization's grounds use some landscaping? Do the facilities have a few maintenance projects pending? Would you like to get information about your programs out into the community with a one-day flyer distribution event? Summer is a great time to plan these types of activities. Not only will this give volunteers a chance to try something new, but it's also a great way for new volunteers to dip their toes in the water and get to know your organization and the work it does a little better.
Don't let summer slip away without creating intentional opportunities to engage current and future volunteers. Maximize the nice weather and extra time to train, recruit, and encourage the people who can help move your organization forward!!